Be Yourself with Danielle Torpey

Be Yourself with Danielle Torpey

English teacher Danielle Torpey sits down with host Dominick Berrettini to discuss the importance of being yourself in high school.
Merry Christmas from The Ock

Merry Christmas from The Ock

Host Dominick Berrettini hosts a discussion of the holidays with Dr. Tom Schnatterbeck, Anne Travis, Ashley Cooper, and some Sources of Strength students. Merry…
Jeff Mowry Discusses Championship Season

Jeff Mowry Discusses Championship Season

Head football coach Jeff Mowry speaks with Dominick Berrettini about how the coaches and the team came together for another championship season for Sheridan…
The Return of the Podcast

The Return of the Podcast

The Ocksheperida is proud to present the return of the podcast. We will continue to post and can be found on Apple Podcasts and…
Senior Brock Bomar

Senior Brock Bomar

Editors Luke Keller and Ryan Steiner talk with Brock Bomar about the canceled track season and next steps in life.