Vela performs as a leader during a home football game.
Vela performs as a leader during a home football game. (Courtesy @clrarchive Instagram)

Vela’s football performance foreshadows future success

Brandon Vela is a big name at Sheridan High School. Balancing a rigorous class load with performance on the football field takes dedication and effort, but Vela has mastered this and managed to become a leader in all aspects of his busy lifestyle.

Born and raised in Sheridan, Wyo., Vela has been involved in sports most of his life. His three older brothers all played sports in Sheridan, with his older brother Justin Vela, more commonly known as “Big Red,” graduating from SHS in 2021 and going on to play college football at Dickinson State University in Dickinson, N.D., where he is a student today. As a senior, Brandon plays varsity football as the center offensive lineman and as a defensive lineman. He has learned that football is a team sport requiring the work of every player, “If we aren’t working together, we fail” said Vela. Vela’s dedication to the sport extends into the off-season, with regular attendance at summer football workouts and camps. Vela is not employed in the summer, and this allows him to dedicate the vast majority of his time and energy to football. Not experiencing any major injuries during his football career has allowed him to practice and play at his best for all four years of high school. 

Vela’s goals this year involve his athletics and his schoolwork. His biggest goal is working with his team to win the state championship football game this season. He works to improve his athletics every week, giving himself small but measurable goals to meet and exceed. Academically, Vela proves to be a dedicated student. Maintaining a 3.77 grade point average with a rigorous class load isn’t easy, but Vela’s goal this year is to not only maintain this but improve upon it. Getting good grades has always been important to Vela, and his GPA and class load, which includes multiple AP and dual enrollment courses through Sheridan College, prove this dedication. 

Teammates of Vela have nothing but glowing reviews of him. Senior Bridger Peldo is one of these teammates and has a special connection with Vela. Both players are linemen, with Peldo playing with Vela on both the offensive and defensive line. The seniors have played together since the seventh grade. Working together for such a long time, Peldo has grown to know Vela personally. “He knows his job, and he’s got your back,” said Peldo. “He’s a very vocal leader and a selfless player.” This has a vast effect on the team, and the Broncs will lose a key team contributor after graduation this year. 

Vela has chosen to attend college after graduation to study physical therapy. Vela chose this career path out of a passion for helping people in times of need and the desire to have a fulfilling job. The importance of this field of study has been made apparent to him through his journey in football. He has seen firsthand how much physical therapy can benefit someone, saying, “My brother has gone through months of physical therapy, and eventually, his shoulder returned to normal.” While not seeing college athletics in his future, his future goals are centered around performing at his best academically. “I’ve realized there is a life outside of sports, and I have chosen to pursue that while still enjoying my football experience in high school,” said Vela.

Vela has not been committed to any schools yet but is interested in attending college out of state. “I want to experience more of the U.S. culture outside of the western states,” Vela said. 

Jeff Mowry, the head coach for the Broncs football team, has been coaching Vela for his entire high school football career. Mowry also coached all three of Vela’s older brothers, getting to know them and their family on a personal level. “He’s a team-first guy and a very selfless leader,” Mowry said. Being in the football program for all four years at SHS, Vela has shown major improvement that has not gone unnoticed by his coaches, catching the attention of his head coach. “His growth as a leader has been huge,” said Mowry. He also believes that Vela’s future looks bright, saying, “He has the potential to do whatever he wants.” Vela is a force to be reckoned with on the football field and a selfless leader in all aspects of his life, with many people eager to see his success after graduation. 

Vela is the son of Stephanie and Jason Vela.