Homecoming royalty poses for a photo at the homecoming pep assembly. (Zane Doyle) | SHS Spirit Week 2024
Homecoming royalty poses for a photo at the homecoming pep assembly. (Zane Doyle)

School spirit shown during homecoming week

Homecoming week started Saturday, Oct. 12 and went through to the following Friday, Oct. 18. Students spent the week dressing up, participating in school activities, and expressing school spirit.

The Homecoming dance was the night of Saturday, Oct. 12. It started at 7 p.m. Students were given a semi-formal dress code and danced to a variety of songs.

He-Man Volleyball was on Tuesday, Oct. 14 in the gym. Each grade level created teams of six boys to compete for victory. After intense gameplay, the sophomore team advanced into the final game where they lost against the teachers.

Sophomore player hits the ball during the He-Man volleyball games. (Zane Doyle) | SHS Ocksheperida
Sophomore player hits the ball during the He-Man volleyball games. (Zane Doyle)

The Powderpuff football games occurred on Wednesday, Oct. 15. Four grade levels developed their teams and began the game. Sophomores and freshmen were beaten out by the upperclassmen, resulting in both seniors and juniors pushing into the final game, which ended in a senior victory.

Sophomore Hannah Mowry scores a touchdown at the powderpuff football games (Brian Rizer) | SHS Ock
Sophomore Hannah Mowry scores a touchdown at the powderpuff football games (Brian Rizer)

The homecoming pep assembly took place on Thursday, Oct. 16, at the end of the school day. Student council members from each grade participated in a lighthearted competition against each other. A few firefighters from Big Horn came to the school for recognition for fighting the Elk Fire.

Thursday night at 7 p.m., the Burning of the Bronc took place. The band, cheerleaders, and color guard performed and celebrated their school spirit. Free food was provided by the FCA, Cru, Grace Anglican, Bethesda, FCA, Kids Life, Family Life Center, and the volleyball parents.

SHS band performing at the Burning of the Bronc celebration. (Brian Rizer) | SHS Ock
SHS band performing at the Burning of the Bronc celebration. (Brian Rizer)

Throughout the week, the student body expressed their school spirit through dress up days. Tuesday was dress up like Adam Sandler. Wednesday, students wore their favorite jerseys. On Thursday, each grade level wore their assigned color, Seniors wore white, juniors wore pink, sophomores wore blue, freshman wore yellow, and teachers wore black. Ending the week on Friday, Broncs wore the school colors, blue and gold.

This year’s Bronc royalty consisted of seniors Cutter Hulet as king and Danielle Gilbert as queen; juniors Diego Martinez as prince and Chloe Rose as princess; sophomores Ben Bujans as duke and Nicole Hunter as duchess; and, freshmen Joseph Gonda as lord and Liah Fjell as lady.

SHS Bronc football team rushes the field at the beginning of the homecoming game. (Brian Rizer) | SHS Ocksheperida
SHS Bronc football team rushes the field at the beginning of the homecoming game. (Brian Rizer)
Sophomore Chalaya Bales jumps to spike the ball at the homecoming volleyball game. (Brian Rizer) | SHS Ocksheperida
Sophomore Chalaya Bales jumps to spike the ball at the homecoming volleyball game. (Brian Rizer)
SHS band halfway through their Beetlejuice Beetlejuice performance during halftime at the homecoming football game. (Brian Rizer) | SHS Ocksheperida
SHS band halfway through their Beetlejuice Beetlejuice performance during halftime at the homecoming football game. (Brian Rizer)
Ty Gilbertson prepares to kick a field goal at the homecoming football game. (Brian Rizer)
Ty Gilbertson prepares to kick a field goal at the homecoming football game. (Brian Rizer)
SHS cheer team performing at the Burning of the Bronc celebration. (Brian Rizer)
SHS cheer team performing at the Burning of the Bronc celebration. (Brian Rizer)
Senior Austin Orum gets tackled by his mother at the homecoming pep assembly. (Zane Doyle)
Senior Austin Orum gets tackled by his mother at the homecoming pep assembly. (Zane Doyle)